Sunday, August 30, 2009

weatherbeaten sans right arm stone maiden

respectable masseuses for the masses

ethereal surroundings
by the poolside

fairest maiden at Ubud selling her wares with a smile so sweet it crystalises her fossilized potrait

handstyled batik by balinese maidens watched closely by fat tourists

fast food bakso style

ubud seafood restaurant by the beachside smoke grilled charred lobster/tiger prawns/clams/mussels and white fleshed fisk

magical vision by the poolside Laguna Resort Bali

enchanting Laguna resort Bali

the good people of Asodhaya Samithi at the AIDS conference in Bali recently

good people of Jakarta at the Aids Conference recently
spot the odd one out
kellie immortalised in ceramic

blissfully asleep under safe haven of policetrucks

post Thaipusam celebration refuse at doorstep of temple
the eyesore --------->advert or garbage

Indian sweetmeats galore at Thaipusam festival Batu Caves
one bite of any leads you to diabeticism

mads blenner min mand og jeg
cosy cosy cosy

senza fine

mads blenner clutched by friendly ghost at Kellie s castle Batu Gajah

mads blenner pensive mood rest stop Taiping

sari in disguise

vacation in port Malawi sommer 2009